Monday, July 18, 2011

2nd Try For Port Removal

I woke up crying to Richard today that I didn't want to go today and I was scared. but ....Off to Vancouver again today to have my port removed. Appt was at at 9:30am. I was in the room and changed into the little hospital gown by 9:35am They connected the cauterizing machine to me again, gave me several - I would say about eight shots to numb the area. The radio was playing and the nurse and Dr.Chung were talking..  I think it was to keep my mind off what was happening. When she used the cauterizing machine, it smoked and smelled really gross. When it go time to take out the part that was connected up the side of my neck, she said I might feel it tug a little, ,, this was my biggest fear. But with Dr.Chung doing it,I didn't feel it all. Once she was done, she sewed me up, put some bandages on it and I was done! I asked how it was connected to my neck so she dug it out  of the garbage and showed me. She said by putting pressure on the vein it made it quit bleeding and start to heal. Just like if you have a paper cut on your finger, you most likely will put pressure on it.
I got home, took a nap and some Tylenol and am glad I had the day off. As the evening wore on,  I felt good, but only when I was extremely still other wise it throbs.
Mom brought me a beautiful planter for the patio and a congratulations . I am thinking this is the last part of this breast cancer ordeal. I will still meet with Dr.Richert Boe every three months for check ups and my yearly mammogram But as for now....I am done. Its been just at one and half years since I started healing from Stage 3 breast cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Nancy!
    Somehow it doesn't seem enough to just say Congrats after something so signifigant....but it's all I got!
    No...wait....we should go to Maui again to celebrate!!
