Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mammogram Test Results

I had my mammogram on Saturday January 8, 2011
This was a scary one as I was very, very, very scared to go. Scared that it would hurt more than usual due to the scar, the inside healing from the radiation etc. I was also scared that it would come back with something on it and I would have to go through this entire routine of chemo and radiation all over again.
Friday night I was sobbing that I was scared. Richard was so comforting, caring and gentle. He saw me off to bed  and reassured me that we had a really great surgeon, that Dr. Chung felt confident that she had gotten all of the cancer in the surgery and that after the treatments of chemo and radiation, how could there possibly be anything living and growing in there? And I had the same feelings that I was confident with Dr. Chung and for all I went through.. but the idea is still in my mind.
Last year, I went in on Saturday. They called me on Monday and I was back in on Tuesday for another mammogram. So this time I gave myself until Tuesday afternoon to hear, to wait for the call. When no call came, I called Kaiser and asked that my primary physician, Dr. Manzone request the results and let me know. Within about 3 hours they called on my cell phone that I had in full view at work, but couldn't answer since  I was on the phone trying to help some idiot with a question. Since I didn't answer, they called home and told Richard and he called me. I had to hear it for myself so called Kaiser back and asked what the results were and  this is what they said:


What great news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I called my mom and told her. She brought me flowers and a card at work and we both got a little teary eyed over it!----- I love you mom!
And I emailed several to let them know the results. Happy emails all around! and I feel so much better knowing that I passed the test! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I can go on and not worry.
I have  very long road ahead of me and I am not finished yet, but this was a huge step in healing~!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you Nancy, I am glad that Richard was there for you. I can only imagine how scared you were for this mammogram but like you said now you can sigh a sigh of relief. We missed you last night at meeting so I got a little scared myself. I love you dear sister and again congratulations on you being a trooper on all of this. May Jehovah continue to be with you.

    Love ~ Shari Birch
