Saturday, October 9, 2010

Going good

So far the daily radiation has not made me tired, or burned me. I have done 8 of 33 treatments.
Even when I have to work until 5:30pm I can easily make my appointment at 6pm. They ask that I be there about about 5:45pm to get changed in to my robe and be ready. I have not had to take any time off work for these appointments.

As for my hair, its coming and little by little and I can now see where my hairline is and its getting darker. When I run my hand down the back of my head, I can feel its "going with the grain" and is smooth, when I run my hand from my neck to the top of my head, I can feel its "going against the grain".
I have been taking prenatal vitamins to help it grow.. will try just about anything to help it grow! Not too sure I will make my goal of : Not to wear a wig by the November 6th and 7th assembly weekend, but I think it might be close....

The Muga scan results came back and my heart is taking a very small toll on the Herceptin med. The nurse at Kaiser said to be aware of IF I feel out of breath or tired. Its not bad, just a little change in the test results since the last time. But when I did the Muga scan, I was on Herceptin every week. I am now on it every three weeks so that should make a difference too.

I am feeling really good.


  1. Hey Lady,
    Glad to hear you are feeling good and your radiation appointments are going well!
    Much love,

  2. So glad you are feeling good! This month is already half over! Before you know it, you'll be all done with your radiation! WooHoo! :-) Love ya! Missy
