Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chemo Round 3

Today was my third treatment of chemotherapy. Richard had to work so mom took me to Kaiser. She stayed with me through my Dr's visit and then left for a little while. Dr. Richert-Boe asked how I was feeling? Any mouth sores? Any fevers? and then checked my heart beat, ankles for swelling ( a sign the heart is having problems) and said I was doing good. As she was ready to leave the room and said I was doing good,I am almost half way done, she patted my leg and that set me off. I started to cry and then the Dr. have me a hug and reminded me that crying is good, it relieves stress. I had told Richard this morning that I didn't want to go today. maybe I just wont show up. I hate going there knowing I am doing something that is so terrible to my body and is going to make me sick. In the treatment room, there was only one man there, so I sat at the other end of the room so there was some privacy. By the time I left, there were about 3 other patients that had came in. So my visit was a quiet one. Since I was there by myself, I had the TV on and sat and read. Everything went very smooth this time, no hang ups. I went in at 10am and mom and I were home by 1:30pm. Richard got home right after I did. I was tired so crawled into bed and took a nap until 4pm. Am feeling pretty good so far..... just waiting for the nausea to hit, and I know it will. So I am sitting here at 5:08pm eating cookies and milk!!


  1. tweedle twin!
    i am so glad you got through round 3! please please call me this weekend if theres ANYTHING at all you need, and i MEAN IT.

  2. Glad that you got through another round. Please take care of yourself. So you are half way through? That is good. May Jehovah give you the strength to keep on going. Love and miss you ~ Your Friend & Sister In The Faith ~ Shari Birch
