Sunday, May 16, 2010

Round 3 sickness

So far the only sickness I have really felt this time is some pretty bad nausea Thursday night. Went to bed feeling sick. But Friday morning, woke up feeling pretty good. Sat outside in the fresh air and took it easy in the afternoon. By Friday evening I was really tired and have been spending most of the days sleeping. Napping every couple of hours. Kris brought over some home made lasagna, french bread, veggies, ice cream and flowers Saturday evening (more for me since Richard doesn't eat lasagna!!) But I haven't had much of an appetite. The only nauseous feeling I have had was Thursday night. So this is a little different, but easier to deal with than the constant having to throw up feeling. I have still been taking my all meds to keep the nauseous feeling down. And tonight is my last 2 pills for this round! One more round of chemo scheduled for June 3rd with the Adrianmyacin and Cytoxan drugs and I will be half way done with my chemo. Thanks for every ones kind words, gifts,phone calls and help so far. Its so appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lady!!!
    You looked good on Saturday! I know Richard doesnt like pasta or cheesy stuff....why do you think i made lasagna?! Just was something i could actually stress! Hope to CU at the CU SOON!
    Tweedle Twin
