Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So I guess my last report was done a little early. I tried to go to work on Tuesday. I had to be there at 8am. I got there about 7:50am and by 8:05am I think I was in my car going home. The feeling of throwing up was so strong, I didn't know if I could even talk on the phone at work to one member, none the less all day long. I felt horrible, so went home. And I got the feeling from my work mates, that I looked horrible! Called my mom at 11am hoping she would tell me she was on break from being in the door to door ministry work and was at Safeway. ( I wanted lunch and had no food, and Richard was in Portland). My wonderful mom, dropped what she was doing, brought me the lunch I wanted from Safeway (just a turkey sandwich, my all time favorite lunch food) and spent the day with me. While I slept, she did my ironing! What a mom! By about 4:30pm the food I had, one piece of toast for breakfast, half of a little container of applesauce, and half the sandwich I had decided it didn't want to stay in me and I was in the bathroom puking. This is a first for the actual throwing up.I always feel like I can, but haven't until now. Once I did throw up, I felt a little better for a while until the nauseated feeling came back. Spent a rough night in the spare bedroom alone tossing and turning and feeling sick, but close to the bathroom! When I am nauseated, I have difficult time eating. So then I don't know if I am just super hungry or sick to my stomach. They say to eat a little bit when your nauseated, but that's really tough to do. Today, Wednesday, I went to work. Spent most of the morning eating saltines, 7UP and peppermint life savers, with my head down on my desk. But by the time it was going home time rolled around and even now I feel pretty good. I think from here on out to the next appointment should be much better! This time, it seems to have kicked my patootie for several days!


  1. Hey Lady,
    Hopefully the worst is over for this round, and hopefully you are able to sleep well tonight! Sandwiches - Turkey, cranberry sauce, and a microscopic amount of cream cheese - my all time favorite. Send Richard out for groceries, you should not be in the house w/no food. When you feel good enough to eat, there should be food!! -Sorry, the mom in me coming out! Hang in there, almost half way done!!

  2. Dear Sister Of Mine,

    Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well and you know that IF you need me, you can call on me at ANY time whether it is food you need, or a shoulder to cry on or just another person to talk to. I love and miss seeing you at the meetings. Like the above message says hang in there. I hope to see or talk to you soon.

    Love ya ~ Your Sister In The Faith ~ Shari Birch

  3. Beth,
    Just to share, I could and usually do eat a sandwich every day of the week for lunch! A sister in our hall that I work with calls me Sammy, because of all the sandwiches I eat!

    thanks for the offer! I will have to remember that I can rely on you! Thanks!!

