Friday, September 17, 2010

Email from Dr.

Today I got an email from my primary care physician at Kaiser, Dr. Manzone.
As I said in another posting, I have never met this Dr. my Dr. retired and I had to pick a new one so chose this guy. I am told he is really nice.
Here is the email he sent me:

Dear Mrs. Smith:
I have received the latest report from Dr. Richert-Boe, she has things well in hand. I shall continue my primary care duty of watchful waiting- please let me know if I can be of any service.

Chris Manzone

Today I also had another Muga scan at St. Johns. This scan is for my heart  to make sure the heart muscles are not not weakening from the Herceptin that I have been getting weekly. This scan is done every three months.

1 comment:

  1. Did you get the results of your Muga scan back yet? I'm glad they are keeping close track of everything. How's the hair looking? :-) Got an afro yet?! Love ya, Missy
