Monday, February 22, 2010

Dr. Visit today

Mom took me to the Longview Kaiser today. Dr. Chung removed the drain. I was SO scared it would hurt, that it was in there long enough for it to start growing to me. I have had it for 13 days.. and I have good news to report. I didn't feel a thing! Seriously, nothing. Not kidding. Mom came back in the room with me and I think it surprised the Dr. because she asked mom if she was "interested in this kind of thing?" and mom told her, "Not really but I am curious.". This is kind of gross, but mom said the Dr. took out about 4 inches of tube. And to think I couldn't feel any of in me or when she took it out. Where was all that tube? The Dr. put a band aid on the area, which is about the size of a pea and sent me on my way. Now I just have to change the band aides until it heals. I came home to a busy phone. Richard was calling St. Johns to find out when my whole body bone scan is scheduled. At the same time, my cell phone was ringing, it was Kaiser to make another appointment. So here's the appointments list: Wed March 3rd ---at 11:30am returning at 2:00pm at St. Johns, Whole Body Scan Monday March 8Th ----9:15am at Longview Radiologist for Cat Scan Tuesday March 9Th---- 10am Longview Cancer Center for radiation consultation to go over the pros and cons of radiation Thursday March 11Th ----10am Kaiser for chemo oncology consultation Guess I will be busy for a few days. Still no word on when the chemo will start or how much, how often until the bone scan and cat scan are done and the results are back. I should sleep good tonight. Rob brought over some steps to put in our bedroom so I can easily get in and out of our bed. And with the drain gone, maybe I will get a good nights sleep!


  1. 4 inches?? Wow, I had no idea....and just a band aid??
    Nighty night, hope you sleep well tonight!

  2. i mean really, 4 inches. where was all of that? I told Tom and tried to get a reaction but he didn't pass out (disappointed). Just wanted to let you know i have some more leads on wig salons (I asked an expert who has some REAL cute wigs which look totally natural).... I'm seriously thinking of getting me one! So let me know when you are ready to shop. I mean, you may not lose your hair, but in case you do, we've got options, buddy! Ok, I must let out a secret, if some of you are reading this blog and aren't sure what to say so you say nothing... say anything! Say what you feel, say it from the heart. That's what its here for! I'm like Nancy, so its much easier for me to say it online than in person!!! Nancy is such a special person, she doesn't deserve to have to be dealing with this..she has become one of my closest friends. So please, put a little shout out there, even if its just to let her know you are thinking of her because I know you are!!! :) hugs to Nancy! kb

  3. Hey sis! Hope you had a good night's sleep, Richard too! he's missed you! Anyway, I talked to Renee'...her hair lady specializes in cancer patients. Her name is Janna Strasheim and her salon name is Mirage Hair Systems. Her phone number is 541-484-2790, her salon is in Eugene. Her website is She is wonderful and does a beautiful job. If you talk to her drop Renee's name. Renee' France. You might just consult with her, and she might be able to recommend a wig shop in Portland so you don't have to be so overwhelmed by it all. Better than picking one out of the yellow pages. Hope it helps. Love you so much! - Missy

  4. KB:
    thanks for all nice comments! You mean so much to me and have been soooo supportive.Thank you!

    I am a little sad Tom wasn't grossed out by the 4 inch drain tube! lol

    With your help looking for a wig and Missy's I am sure we can find something cute.

  5. I got the nicest card in the mail today, thank you so much! You didn't need to do that, its been my pleasure to do everything..i wish i could have done more.
    I know..... i was totally expecting Tom to fall over but he didn't..the drain didn't do him in. Too bad we didn't get a photo......that would have done it!!!
    I hope you had a good day today!!! kb

  6. Nancy, I am praying continually for a complete healing in your body!!! that you will be completely whole. If you need anything don't hesitate to give me a call. Thank you for doing a blog to keep us updated. God Bless dear friend. Love, Rebecca
