Sunday, February 28, 2010


I am healing pretty well. No more band aids! yippee. I don't think my skin could have taken another day of them! Taking them off two times a day to change them was hurting so bad. It didn't matter if it was wet after a shower or I ripped it off, or tried slowly, it hurt and wanted to yell each time. As for the pain med.... I thought I was done with them yesterday-- but it turned out that I was thinking I was feeling better that I really was. But even in still taking them, I have cut them waaay back. Take one in the morning, one at night and maybe if needed one in the middle of the day, depending on the day. Compared with 2 every 4 hours that I was taking, slowly they are going away. I am not a big fan of taking any meds. Still have a hard time in my mind telling myself that I have cancer. And sometimes still freak out a little inside myself and have a good cry. OK, I have to admit, that its almost every day that happens. Yesterday I called a couple of wig stores in Portland to see if they had wigs I had to order, or if I could purchase it and take it home. Also went online to a company called TLC that is used by the American Cancer Society and ordered some samples of wig hair colors to see if they will match mine when the time comes if I need a wig. I have it my head that I will need a wig no matter what kind of chemo they give me. How can a stage three cancer patient with chemo as treatment not need a wig? I know for some it does happen, but I think most people do lose their hair. Today I asked Richard "what will I do when I lose my eyebrows?.. I have never needed an eyebrow pencil, I have them waxed to keep them in control. Without them, how will I know where to draw them in at? Do I need to remember where they were now, or will I be able to feel the place they were to be able to pencil them on?" Like my husband who I adore, would have any real idea or input on that subject! But I had to ask someone. So many questions that seem silly and not important-- but to me they are. They are things I never thought of before and never would have imagined I would need to think of. Went to my first meeting today since surgery. It was SO nice to see all the friends at the Kingdom Hall. It was encouraging to be back. I really needed it.


  1. Hello my love! Glad the bandages are gone...freedom! As for the eyebrows, has eyebrows that look pretty good and come in colors...or, if you want to draw them in..there's a shape stencil that helps. I'm sure a wig shop could help with eyelashes and eyebrows. You'll look lovely no matter. How are you feeling otherwise? Energy coming back? Glad you made it to meeting, that always helps anyone feel better. What's better than being surrounded by loving people! Love ya oodles! Missy

  2. hello Nancy-- Glad to hear you don't have to wear your bandages no more. thinking of you often, and continual prayer for you! God Bless friend. love ya, Rebecca

  3. Im thinking of you as always....I love you!


  4. Hey Lady,
    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! (and everyday) Your eyebrow worries made me giggle as I used to pluck mine totally gone and draw them in. The up side is you get to decide how they are shaped and what they look like! And false lashes...aaahhh, so glamorous to me! I wish I was up there, we could have a eyebrow/lash party!
    Much love,

  5. Beth,
    Thanks for the laugh!
    A party for that would be fun!
    Missy's comment said that has some eyebrows so I checked them out online.. not sure if I can do the paste on eyebrows! but its good to know if I change my mind!!

  6. You crack me up...already looking for wigs...just make sure you are not picking them appart (like you do you nails LOL)look at the bright side if you do ahve to get a waig you will not have to do your hair anymore and you can change your hair color every day if you want!!! :) i would LOL-Channy

  7. Channy,
    I have learned that I have to think the absolute worst for every appointment so that way I am not blown away with the bad news.

    So if they tell me that the chemo drugs I will be taking will cause hair loss or severe thinning, I will somewhat be prepared mentally. And I have read that once they start chemo, its about 7 to 10 days until the hair starts to fall out. So I want to be prepared, not just show up at work with a chunk of hair missing on my head.

    You know me, its going to be really tough not picking it apart!

  8. Lady!!!!!! I am praying for good results tomorrow! I am ready to go wig shopping whenever you are ready, just say the word!!!
    You are in my thoughts all the time! Hang in there buddy! :) KB

  9. We'll be with you tomorrow. Hoping and praying for good news! We know this is scarey, but you are not alone. Love you so much!
    Wade & Missy
