Monday, February 22, 2010

Drain Tube

No this is not like UTube! I have been hoping that at today's doctors appointment, my drain was draining slow enough that i could be removed today. And... I just got a call from my very nice doctor, Dr. Chung and we went over the numbers of cc units we were draining daily and she said my drain can come out.. I am soo excited to have this thing gone. Even I though I am terrified it will hurt taking it out. Its been in there for 12 days and I have a fear it has started to attach itself to me. ouch. It hangs off my left side and is in the way, I have to have it pinned to the side of my shirt to keep it close. Its a clear ball/drain so if my shirt isn't long enough, anyone can see it.. its quite disgusting! Without my drain, I think I can go to meeting on Tuesday. I am excited for that. Listening in just isn't the same. Jessica came over yesterday and had a nice idea: we should decorate my drain/ball thing, put some jewels on it, cover it with sparkles and glitter, scrapbook it. It was a cute idea. And I would have if I had to have it much longer! I slept good last night, but woke up at about 6am in some pain. I didn't wake up all night to take any meds in the night. Even though I have cut myself off slowly from most of the meds, I still prefer to set an alarm, wake up in the middle of the night and take some. it keeps the pain under control a little bit more. Not that there is a lot of pain, but when it does come, it shoots like sharp pains. Today I am also waiting for calls from St. Johns. I had an appt this past Friday at the Interstate Kaiser for the bone scan. It was long drive, in the middle of day with coming home time at rush hour. What they do is give a shot of dye in the hand, send you away for three hours than you go back and they put you in some machine to see where the dye went. I didn't feel like driving all that way when I knew they could do it in Longview or even Vancouver. I asked if it could be done here in Longview and they said no. So I made the appt. than Richard and I talked about, and I decided to be the patient, put my foot down, take control and I called them back and told them I needed it done in Longview. and.. after some time, they finally told me they could refer it out, which I knew they could. So now am waiting for them to call me and if they don't call me be this afternoon, I am suppose to call the hospital and check on it myself. The appointment girl at Kaiser wasn't happy with me. But its my health, my appointment, my drive to Portland, my finding someone to take me. And I am looking out for me.Putting if off a few days isn't going to hurt me, as I am still healing from the surgery. Just because Kaiser didn't want to refer it out, they told me it had to be done in Portland at a Kaiser facility. So frustrating. So I am watching the phone today.. waiting for it to ring. Last night I looked in a Portland phone book for some wig stores. Almost started crying when I said to Richard, " I cant believe I am reading a phone book , looking for a wig store to buy myself a wig because I have cancer". But I didn't cry. I wanted to . I don't want to do ANY of this but I don't have a choice. We joked that I could take a day, a girls day with my mom, Kris and Brenda to go wig shopping.. not quite the girls shopping day that sounds very fun. But as I start to feel better from surgery and without this drain, I am going to have to seriously look into a wig. Even though the chemo treatments wont start for a few weeks, I want to be prepared. if there is such a thing. And I don't have any clue. I do have a couple of baseball style hats I could use... OK, maybe not such a great idea. I am just happy that I am getting to keep this doctors appointment today!


  1. Nancy I am so sorry that you are going through this but just know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you. I miss hearing my "this is Nancy" after I say this is Debbie. I know how hard this must be for you and your husband. My dad passed away when I was 18 from cancer and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to face. I think you sharing your story is fantastic and who knows it may help someone else. Take care.

    Deb Martin

  2. Nancy, your mom sent me the link to your blog. What a good idea! Since everyone is so concerned about you this is the best way to get accurate (not gossip) information out to everyone who cares about you. Hang in there. Rely on Jehovah. Many are praying for you. Don't forget that Robert wants you to save your hair for him. Warm Christian Love, Gsyle B.

  3. WOO HOO for the drain coming out!! You should do something to celebrate!! Maybe I should eat some Hot Tamales and celebrate down here for you??
    Much love and happy thoughts,

  4. I'm going to use Beth's ID, but it's Jackie. Nancy, I am visiting in CA and everyday we talk about you. We are sending you positive thoughts, hopes, and prayers. We think of you with many stories and smiles. I am so happy you and B have kept in touch and that now you are sharing your feelings with all of us.
    I do know that this is a very difficult time for you, but also know you are a strong spiritual person and will rely on Jehovah for the ability to face what comes. Reach out and take His hand.
    Much love to you and to Richard also. J.

  5. Beth and Jackie,
    I am finding that sharing my feelings online is way easier than in person.If I had to say outloud what I felt, I would be a bawling mess! Thank you for your support!
    Having Jehovah in my life is such a relief, and all the loving brothers and sisters.

    We did have some fun, memorable times growing up and am so glad we have them to look back at and laugh!

    Dump the hot tamales and go for the chocolate cake! Make it worth it if its a celebration!

  6. Hey Sis! You HAAAAVE to take a group of girls wig shopping! Wish I could go! We've done it'll have fun and laugh, and laugh, and laugh. It'll be great. Plus, when you are serious about one, you get 3 opinions...and if they all 3 like it, then you know it's a winner! They also have little hair pieces for the inside of your baseball cap, so you could have cute little bangs, or a pony tail with little whispy hair hanging down the sides. Works when you don't want to wear a full on wig. Love Ya so Much! - Missy
