Friday, April 23, 2010

Chemo Round 2

Yesterday was round 2 of chemo.. this is half way through the first set of drugs. I went to the new center. it was SO much nicer. More private, everything new. First had my consult with the oncologist Dr. Richert-Boe. She was really nice. Asked me some general questions like, how long did take for me to get sick, was I developing mouth sores, how I felt overall. Then I had some questions to ask her, like what about eating fresh fruits and veggies, she said only the kind I can peel, due to the chemicals on them, and people touching them, and I asked how long after my treatment should I be careful being around people she said the white blood cells were lowest 7 to 10 days after treatment and to be careful. We got there at 9am and I left at 2:30pm.. it was much longer this time, just because I didn't realize I should have went the day before and had my blood drawn to test my counts, so we had to do that and wait for the results, and then they had some new training in the pharmacy that took a while to get my chemo drugs. Richard came and went checking on me and my mom came. Mom ended up taking me home. The nurses all asked my wig and said they liked it. They know that everyone eventually will show up in a wig or hat so its no big deal that they ask. I wore the short stacked one. Norma Rak showed up so she sat with us and visited for a little bit too. It seemed like a really long day. I came home and took a nap. By the evening, I had chips for dinner, craving the salt, and some Ginger Ale. My stomach was really upset. Today I have been feeling blah. Took a three hour nap. I think tomorrow it will probably really hit me like last time. Next chemo appointment is May 13th.


  1. Hello there....half way, huh? Proud of you walking through that door today...knowing how it would make you feel. All this just means that you will appreciate when Isaiah 33:24 is fullfilled...a little more than the rest of us. "And no resident will say, 'I am sick.'" Can't wait until that is true for all of us, especailly for you. Soon. Love you. Missy

  2. Nancy, Thank you for being so brave and sharing your story on a regular basis...I am always thinking about you. I know it is very exhausting. Keep good thoughts. Love the wigs! Rhonda G
