Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chemo Round 1- Done

Appointment today was at 9am for the first round of chemo. There are 6 chairs, 3 were used. I chose one toward the end of the chair line up.(the one farthest away from the lady who was talking so loud and talking about anything she could think of,, blah blah blah blah Still not too sure who she was talking to)!!! All chairs face the same direction... directly at the nurses station about 8 feet away (if even that far). My nurse was really nice, explained everything as she went. The other two nurses who last time tried getting the IV in me, were nice to see me back, with a chest port this time! So far, this chest port I think is going to be a good idea. The head RN, Kim, came to talk to me, said I "looked like I didn't want to be there", I said," Of course I don't want to be here". She told me thought everyone who comes there is brave, she has no way of knowing the feeling that cancer patients have. It started with them taking the steri-strips off from the surgery areas. (nice to have them gone!) Than she told me to slowly breathe out and when I did she pushed just a little and the IV end went into the port. Hardly any pain at all. They ran some saline through to make sure it was all working OK etc. Gave me four meds by pill to take (anti nausea meds) and I had to just sit there about a half hour to let the meds start working. Than the nurse sat with me at gave me the Adriamyacin. It was in a needle I will say for lack of better terms. The needle was about the size around of quarter and about 4inches long. There were 2 1/2 of these that she put into the IV by hand. It is red colored and the strongest of the drugs, hence the need for a large deep vein. It also makes your urine, sweat and tears pink/red colored for the next couple of days. This med will make my hair fall out, give me mouth sores,nauseated and low blood counts for side effects. My urine has now been bright blue from the surgery and red from the meds today! I find it very interesting! The next med the C was also in a needle form, the Cytoxan. This was only one needle amount and clear in color. Side effects are a metallic taste in the mouth during the IV, nausea, appetite changes, hair loss, low blood counts and menopause. (oh boy!) Then I sat with an IV bag and pole and the put two bags of saline in me, still using the port. Richard came and went, I texted with Kris a little bit and read my book. Just stayed to myself mostly. Everyone in there knows each other it seems like. Two of them while I was there had blood transfusions, which thoroughly grossed me out. they just hang a bag of blood on the IV pole and its no big deal to anyone in there. But my conscience and knowing what Jehovah approves and disapproves of is in my mind all the time. I just tried to ignore it. It wasn't me dealing with it. Before we left, the pharmacist came in and went over the meds, pills I will be taking and the side effects. Prochlorperazine (Compazine) I will take tonight at 8 pm and for the next three days one pill at 8am and 8pm; Dexamethasone(Decadron) I will not take tonight, but for the next three days 2 pills at 8am and 8pm; Ondansetron(Zofran) I will take one tonight at 8pm and for the next three days one pill at 8am and 8pm; Emend I will not take one tonight but will take one pill the next two days. These all are to combat being nauseated. Something tells me they expect me to be really sick! Left Kaiser about noon, went to have some chicken noodle soup at Toppers Restaurant, came home and took a nap. Feeling OK, just a little gross feeling. I have to say, not as bad as I thought.... SO FAR. The questions I had last night, none of them got answered due to none of it happening- so that's "A good thing".


  1. Your poor body! It's created so wonderful to be able to endure all of these things! The nurse is right, you are very brave through all of this. Blue pee, and pink tears...that's just not natural! :-) You should look into getting some noise cancelling head phones for when people are too chatty. I hope this anti-nasea stuff works great for you can feel as well as possible, considering. Love you so much! ONE DOWN!!!! are on your way! One treatment closer to being DONE! I'm hugging you right now...can you feel it? :-)

  2. From Emma:

    What do Dinosaurs make the bottom of their nests with?


    : )

  3. Emma,
    Good thing you told me the answer!

  4. Tweedle!
    You are my hero! You're so brave! I'm glad you sent me a couple of texts so i knew what was happening. Blue pee? Awesome!!!!!!!! :)
    Tweedle twin

  5. Hey Lady,
    How are you feeling the past 2 days??

  6. Nancy,

    I will try this again. I hope you get this time. I just wanted to say how much I love and care about you dear sister of mine. I know this road is not an easy one to go down but with Jehovah's help, and Richards, your Mom and other family and friends we will help you get down the road. This is nice to keep us posted on how you are doing and what is going on with you. It is wonderful to see you at the meetings. If there is anything we can do to help you, let us know (that goes for Richard too). Until I type again. Take care .

    Much Christian Love, Shari Birch
