Friday, April 23, 2010

Goodbye Hair

Having my sister in law, Binnie, come over on Friday night to shave my hair, wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be. I now have a little stubble all over my head. But my scalp doesn't hurt like it did before. Still having mixed emotions if I want to share with everyone a picture of me now.


  1. Hey Lady,
    I have always said it would be so nice if Jehovah's idea of perfection is being bald so that we don't have to worry and fuss w/our hair for all of eternity! Simply get up, rub our heads, and get on w/ all the exciting things we'll get to do! I know this is not the same setting or circumstances, but just wanted you to know you are now my idea of perfection!
    Much love,

  2. Hey luv!....don't share your picture now. Wait. Give yourself a little time and distance to seperate yourself emotionally. You may feel different, yet none of us will ever view you differently. Love ya, Missy
