Friday, June 25, 2010

2nd fundraiser

I also have to add that my co-workers had another fund raiser. This one was for salads at lunch time.
Everyone had their choice of what they wanted on their salads. The choices were a lot. Cucumber, tomato, broccoli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas, mushroom, red pepper, red onion, cheese, beets, celery, olives, eggs, bacon bits, croutons, sun flower seeds. Than the dressings: Ranch, thousand island, vinaigrette, Italian.
And if you wanted grilled chicken or turkey/ham
Again, they all amazed me. They raised $744.65. I cant say enough about my work mates, they continue to surprise me with all they do and how much they care. I know some gave, who don't really know me since we work in different depts and different buildings. Thanks goes to everyone who gave and worked on this.
Richard and I don't know how to say thank you enough!
After posting this, I got an new email saying they had more funds come in, one was $6.00 and one for $100.00. So the new total for this is $850.65. ************Absolutely Unbelievable!!********

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