Thursday, June 10, 2010

Still Home...

Kaiser oncology closes at 5pm. after that if you need them, you are to call the Sunnyside Kaiser and ask for an oncology nurse who is on call.I called Longview at 4pm and never got a call back so had to call Portland.

I had been so sick and not keeping any food down since Monday night so  Richard forced me to call. Of course, they want to know why you are calling Portland and not Longview blah blah blah.(so far, for this entire situation, I am really fed up with Kaiser and how they treat everyone, decent insurance coverage but customer service stinks) So the nurse on the phone goes over a list of questions that takes about 20 minutes, has me take my temperature while on the phone with her and says to eat a little bit of the BRAT diet. Bananas (which I dislike everything about them), Rice, Applesauce and Toast. to try a little of those foods, take a medication I have a little bit left of and to lay on my right side since the stomach empties out better on the right.(never heard of that one before). So I try it. Spent a rough night waking up every hour still feeling bad.

Got up yesterday (Wed) morning and was still puking. So I have Richard call the Longview Kaiser and they were much nicer. Gave some helpful solutions,  like no full strength juice because its too sugary on an empty stomach - I had been drinking orange juice ,the peppermint candies I was eating because the peppermint sounded and felt soothing wasn't the best either, was the pizza  (it sounded really good and tasted really good!) I had for lunch on Monday was probably not the wisest choice of food,so  no greasy foods, no sugary foods and they prescribed some more meds. Had me put one of the meds under my tongue rather than swallow it, that way it can't be thrown up. This was the key. This helped I would say within the hour. For dinner I had some white rice with just a little BBQ pork on it for some protein and a little teryakki sauce.. not the best tasting but it was food. And since I had not had real food, only saltines, some tortilla chips and ginger ale  for almost two days it tasted pretty good.!

Today I am suppose to call them back and let them know how I am doing and how the meds are working.  Today I feel good. Just really really slow moving due to being down for so many days and get tired really easy.
Tomorrow, Friday I will go back to work.
This has been a long sickness from the treatment. According to the Longview Kaiser, not unheard of, but can happen that many days out from chemo. I think I am on the mend!


  1. Thinking about you a lot lately. Hope you are feeling much better tomorrow. Interesting fact about how the stomach drains!
    Love you and you are in my prayers. Hang in there.
    - Becky

  2. I'm glad they figured the meds out...makes sense to give it to you in such a way that you can't throw it up! So glad it sounds like you are feeling a little better. Hope you get to eat something truly yummy soon! Love & lots of Hugs! Missy
