Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lost My Wig!!!

Today I decided to go for a massage after work. I had mentioned to Kris that I was afraid I would be on my front side and my wig would fall off onto the floor. This was the first massage I have ever had. After filling out the paper work, the girl asked me about my cancer. I told her that tomorrow is my half way through chemo.
At one point, Are you ready for this:       I was on my back and the lady was rubbing the back of my neck. All of a sudden I thought I could feel my wig moving up the back of my neck. At that moment, the lady says to me, " um, your hair..."
I didn't know what to say, so just said, " oh let me take it off."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I laid it on my stomach.
How embarrassing is that? I didn't know what else to say or do! And I am pretty sure this was the fist time she had someones wig come off!


  1. oh........ lady! i didnt think that was possible!!! Well at least she had a warning..... at least you have a good sense of humor about it!!!
    tweedle twin!

  2. You handled it the best you could. You could have also asked her to massage your head while she was there. :-) Next time. It's a great stress reliever!

  3. You did good, it was just an awkard situation but you handled it with a sense of humor and that is very important. How was the massage? Take care. S. Birch

  4. N, I have found throughout my life that having a sense of humor will get you thru almost anything :-) JR
