Friday, June 4, 2010

Half Way Done With Chemo Round 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday June 3rd was my treatment day. I tried getting Richard to drive the opposite direction, I even suggested we go garage saleing  (i don't do garage sales) anything but take me to Kaiser......This is  the fourth of eight treatments.    I am now half way done with chemo.!!!!Yippee.
When I met with Dr. Richert-Boe, we talked about my blood counts. She said I am not even close to having low counts, that its pretty unusual but I am doing really well. Hugged me and told me to go pick out a chair.(the chemo chair I will be sitting in for  the next few hours) Said the next two drugs I take for the next 4 treatments  should be easier on me.
Got around the corner into the infusion room, it was right at 9:30am  and there was only lady at the far end. So I picked the opposite end. Richard was with me and my mom showed up not to much longer, maybe around 10am. Richard left and my mom stayed with me the entire time. Then about 40 minutes before being done, Brenda came to visit. It was the first time she had come to see me there.
It seemed like a long day, got there a little before 9 for my Dr. appt and left just before 1pm.
Got home, and went to bed for a couple hours. As the evening rolled along, I got to feeling really sick to my stomach. Made myself stay up until 9:30. Slept well but woke up a lot feeling like I wanted to puke but never did.
Woke up this morning and felt pretty good. Made breakfast for Richard and I . But than I felt worn out so took a two hour nap, and have been taking it easy today. just watching some TV. The nurses both told me that last time I probably did to much the day after chemo and to take it easy this time. We will see how I feel later in the evening, and tomorrow , usually Saturday has been my worse day.


  1. Nancy I was thinking about you all day. Hope you to continue to feel ok. You are on my heart everyday. Much love, Jackie

  2. Half Way, yeah! Hang In There. You do look really well. Love ~ Shari B
