Saturday, June 12, 2010

Feeling Better

I think with the help of the BRAT (Banana's, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) diet, I am going to pull through this time.
Those foods helped me get some food in me that I wouldn't throw up and that has helped.

Now after 10 days of no coffee , I just need a good Starbucks and I will be fine!


  1. Woooooo-Hooooooo! One more done! One more closer to being finished! Hang in there, Nancy, you are doing great. Jackie

  2. Glad you are feeling a little better.

    Love and miss you dear sister,

    Shari B

  3. 10 days!!! You are my hero : )
    Glad you are feeling better. The BRAT diet works wonders, it's been used many a times w/my kids over the past 8 years.
    Hope you had a venti!!
