Monday, March 8, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

Today was my cat scan. The appointment was at 9:15am. That means I got up at 6:30am and started drinking my berry smoothie barium. It had to be completed 2 hours before the scan. The amount of barium was about 2 cups. Its white, thick and gross. When I poured it into a glass, it was chunky. I had to use a straw, and I had it in the fridge overnight so it was cold. If I ever thought I loved blueberries before today.... I don't think I like them any more. I drank as much as I could which was not all of it but most of it. Its anything but the breakfast for champions!! Richard took me to Longview Radiologists for the scan. I got signed in and was called back. I had to change into a pair of scrubs, put my belongings into a locker. Than the nurse took me back to the room where the machine was. There were a couple of surprises once I got in room. Number 1: There was a cup of room temperature barium to drink and Number 2: I had to have IV How come no one mentioned the IV??? After it was over, everyone I told said, "oh yah, I guess there is an IV they do"... thanks for the warning. The IV was saline and then they added iodine. When the iodine was added, one of the side effects according to the nurse is that your bladder will get a really warm feeling. The warm feeling is that you have to pee. Once the iodine is gone, the feeling goes right away. It was the weirdest feeling! The actual scan doesn't take very long. Maybe 10 minutes. I was on bed that was pretty comfy and you move back and forth through a machine that is round like a donut. Since I had not had the IV med before, after it was over they made me sit and drink a bottle of water with the IV port in my arm to see that I wouldn't react to it. They left the IV port in so that if they had to give me meds to counter act a reaction they could. I went in to work at noon and felt head achy I think due to the stress of it all, as I feel fine now eating a chocolate chip cookie! As for the bone scan from last week, I emailed my Dr. and got an out of office reply. She will be back tomorrow, hopefully then I will know the results. Tomorrow is the appointment for the consultation with the Radiation Dr. Since Richard has to work, my mom will be going with me. Its always best to have someone else with to make sure I hear it correct. One more test done! Yippee!


  1. It was nice to have you at work for a few hours today, lady! I keep praying for you and hoping that we get some GOOD news! That would be awesome!!! :)
    Lady 2

  2. Isn't it nice that your experience renewed your appreciation for the ability to pee?! :-) Glad that's over, hope it's all good news! Glad Aunt Carol is going with you today. Hug her for me! Love ya!

  3. Wade wants to know if the chocolate chip cookie you were eating was in fact home made?...if so...can he have one? :-)

  4. Hey Nancy, It's Deanna in Pa. It's so good to see you are in such good spirits concidering your situation. Carol gave me this site and I will pass it on to Denise and Brenda. Our thots and prayers are with you. Your so positive we know you will have good results. Plus they can do so much for your illness now days your chances are very good. A sister here had dble mast. last year and is doing wonderful. She was 38 at the time. They even gave her a better profile. Im hopeful you wont need as much intensive care. Love you, Deanna

  5. lady! you need to get your update on here asap!!!!
    Lady 2

  6. Missy and Wade,
    Of course it was a home made chocolate chip cookie! do I need to send you some?

  7. Deanna,
    So good to hear from you! Thank you for your blog post and for your concern. I am trying hard to be possitive. Some times days just are and some times, they are not. Over all I feel very possitive about killing, curing and treating this cancer inside me.
    Please let Denise and Brenda know.
