Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Chemo Yet

I am still recovering from Tuesdays surgery having the port put in. Yesterday was not a good day. Mom came and spent the day with me. I was throwing up sick, nauseous dizzy and tired. Had a couple calls in to the oncologist and the hospital called to check on me. Binnie came over with some ginger ale and chicken noodle soup. Once I quit taking the pain meds I started to feel better. Appears that I wasn't handling the oxycodone very well. So I had some left from the last surgery, got it out, and it was not the same pills but same labels. When the hospital called I asked about it and turns out they told me to take the meds I had from the last surgery since it was oxycodone with Tylenol. Spent an OK night, just cant lay on either side so that leaves only my back and usually wake up with a sore back. The Kaiser nurse, Kim, called and we decided to start chemo next Thursday on April 1st ( sorry Missy) because she said i needed to heal a little bit and get to feeling better.


  1. Alas!...something takes the thunder from me turning yet another year older! Now, I'll be thinking of YOU on the 1st...instead that a new wrinkle?...or gray hair?! Glad you feel better today. (I'm assuming this, because you are able to type.) Mmmm...sounds like your night's sleep is the perfect excuse to wrangle a nice back massage out of Richard! :-) Love you! Missy

  2. Hey, Sophie turns 6 April 1st. I will be thinking "I feel a lot better today than I did 6 years ago today!" Now that it'll be your 'first chemo-day' year you'll be thinking "I feel a lot better today than I did a year ago today!"
    And you get to enjoy the Memorial before having your first treatment rather than after!That worked out sort of nicely!
    Ok, have a great weekend!

  3. I'm thinking about you everyday.....Know that I love you and miss you loads! Keep strong and know that you are loved!


  4. Hey, Nancy, it was great to see you out in service with our group today. I wanted to go with you, but thought I should stick with Robert and Jennifer this time, besides that is how the brother arranged it. I think he wanted to go with you too. You are so popular! Anyway, I hadn't read your blog for a long time. I caught up tonight. Your mom tells me everything! We are off to the beach early in the morning. Rob and I think about your situation so much. Our prayers are for you. Hang in there! Love, Gayle B.
