Thursday, March 4, 2010

No Work Today

I actually ended up calling in sick today. Last night I was having some sleeping issues that I think might be a side effect of yesterdays shot. Not that I can find anything online for any side effects and the Dr's. office said there aren't really side effects to the shot I got. At first it felt like I had to do a really good stretch of my arms, back, shoulders and legs. But then that feeling came again and again and finally I couldn't stop. I was shaking, tensing up like in a stretch, couldn't keep my arms and legs still, and just a little movement wasn't good enough.Than got cold than hot. I was laying there telling myself to relax and go to sleep, don't move, just fall asleep and it would start again. And I never , never, never have any problems sleeping. I can sleep anywhere, any time. Now that I think about it, it felt the way a seizure would. Even thought about getting up to shake it off, or drink something but was afraid that I would fall down. The last time I looked at the clock it said 3:30am So I guess I will try going to work tomorrow.


  1. Hey, have you been ok during the day today? Did that feeling come back today or just last night? How strange. Hope you got to rest today.

  2. Beth,

    So far today its been OK. No weird feelings. I really think it was a reaction to something yesterday. And after telling a few people, they thought so to.
    Thanks for asking!

    Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its planned off to work tomorrow to go!

  3. Wow...I hope you feel better! That's scary when you don't know why your body is acting a certain way. Keep in mind too...stress can do weird things...and you've been just a LITTLE stressed lately...even before you found out about the cancer. Listen to your body, and take good care of yourself! Love & Hugs! Missy

  4. Hey lady, heading out of town for Napa Marathon so I will be quiet for a few days. Want you to know I will be thinking of you, your strength, your journey, and your song to get me through mile 25 to 26.2 which is always the roughest 1.2 miles. You are an inspiration, and I plan on using every ounce of that inspiration to keep pushing through to mile 26!
    Much love,
