Sunday, March 21, 2010


So today I wore my wig out of the house for the first time! Decided to wear it to the Kingdom Hall. Just about every one knew it was a wig.. My hair has been getting long, even though I just got it cut shorter (about the length of the wig, no one at the Kingdom Hall has seen me since getting it cut). It was tough at first but then by the time I got home, I was fine with it..for today as a one time trial. Guess I better get used to wearing one!


  1. CUTE wig! Perfect color on you!..and a good basic style. Can't wait to see the others. Hope you got at least ONE pink one! :-) Blue maybe? No really, it looks REALLY good on you. Soon, you won't feel nervous about them at all. It's just new right now. Luv Ya! Missy

  2. wow, I love it! Its a great color, and looks natural. I'm sure it was hard, but way to be brave, now the 'first time' is over : )
    ..and nice smile, you look great!

  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I needed it.!! Will post the next wigs when I get them. They are being ordered, should have them around the 1st of April.

  4. i cannot wait to see the short one you are getting it is adorable!!!!!!!! i want it!
    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, buddy! I'm sure all will go well! :)

  5. I KNEW you would look fantastic as a blonde!! Welcome to the world of blondeness!! Love you lots and always thinking of you--Vonnie
